Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Yesterday I bit the bullet and ripped out the too-small heel. I then started knitting some more on the sock, until I screwed up! At which point I fixed it and decided to put it away for the day. Then I knitted on my Twisty Turns wrap, until I saw a mistake and decided to just put the knitting away. It's an easy fix, I knitted where I should have purled, so I just have to unravel the one stitch down a few rows and crochet it back up, but I figured the knitting gods were telling me something. The mistake isn't even very visible, but I will know it's there and it'll bug me....

So I picked up my latest book and read until the wrestling came on the tv. Nothing like watching a bunch of fit young men in their underwear throw each other around!

Maybe today the knitting gods will favour me and all will be well. We shall see....
