Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Knitting Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a girll. Who was sad since she felt alone.
To fill the time, she entered contests that she never won.
Then one day, she saw a strange thing. A woman, waving 2 sticks about a string. And magically, a hat appeared!
"Oh wise sorceress, can you teach me the magic?" ,asked the girl.
"Silly girl, this is no magic. It is called knitting. And anyone may learn."
"Please, teach me", said the gil.
And lo, it came to pass.
Time sped by as the girl knit. But she still felt alone, tho' the hours passed quickly with her new skill.
Then one day, the girl found a knitting blog. Where she left a comment. And lo! An answer arrived to her comment. Then the girl bethought herself,"I too can make a blog".
And lo! The blog Knitting Knot was born!
The girl continued to leave comments on other blogs and the people came to her blog and left her comments!
She began to have conversations. She "met" people. She entered contests. And yay! Verily! She did win a contest. Bezzie's Ugly Couch Contest. Alas, her couch was not the ugliest, but the gods of chance smiled upon her and her couch won a random number draw. The girl was no longer a girl who never won contests! She has a prize.

A thread-cutter made by Bezzie herself!

And some of the girl's loneliness faded. Time passed and a blogger said that she had knit a wondrous object out of alpaca and said item was lovely and soft. The girl left a comment bemoaning the lack of alpaca in her stash and how she was sure the stuff was wonderful. And lo! Through the wonders of the internet, it came to be. Sandra heard the girl's plight and gifted three skeins of the stunningly gorgeously soft fiber!

Suri Whisper from New Era Fiber.

(Seriously folks, this stuff is absolutely lovely soft squooshy yarn!)

And the girl's lonliness faded away to nothing. All because she learned to knit.

The End

Okay, maybe not the end, since I'm still knitting, but that's the end of the fable.

Thanks Bezzie and Sandra!