You see, I got a new book. The siren song of new words overpowered the tedious call of stockinette. Shocking to you all, I'm sure.
So I have been doing half a row or so here and there. In between reading "The Name of The Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss. At first I wasn't so sure I was going to like this book. Then, after a chapter or so, it sucked me in with the power of a black hole. Where most of my time is going. And not much comes out.....
So, today, a picture of an old knit.
Or even my pillow:Wouldn't want to actually use one of the 3 catbeds I bought and placed strategically around the house! What a waste of money that was. I should have known better.
Won't make that mistake again! So, I am off to knit on Tomato, kinda, and read some more, definitely.
Right after I enter Crafting Jen's contest. I dunno if I'd want the book. But the stitch markers would be cool.