Monday, January 25, 2010

New Bag

I decided to knit myself a new bag. Not that I needed one, you know, I just wanted one. It so happens that I had the correct yarn in my stash in colours that match too. Huh. Go figure.


It's The Bag by Wendy Wonnacott in the book No Sheep For You. If you decide to do this bag, a couple of notes. First off, you really want to use stitch markers to section off the knitting the way Grumperina suggests . Secondly, the knitting mirrors itself. The knit row sets up the colour pattern for the next ,purl, row. Do not screw up the knit row.

I have had to tink back half a row several times because I screwed it up. I really wish this was charted. It would have been so much easier. Charting it now, after I fought my way through it is pointless though. Ah well.
