Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I was zooming along on the colleague clog #2. I counted stitches and realized I had an extra one. So I frogged back a bit and recounted. Still extra? What the....? Wound up having to frog back to the beginning of the toe since I put an increase in the fondation row for the toe. No idea why, since it is supposed to be a plain knit row. At any rate, that is why the clog now looks like this again:
I decided to do something useful and so I turned this:
into this:

No one eats the "bread bums" in my house, so I save them up and make them into crumbs. It's a good way to feel productive.

I'll pick up the clog again today. It is pouring rain out and I don't want to leave the house. Hopefully it goes a bit more smoothly. There will be much counting of stitches today, I tell ya!
