Friday, July 29, 2011

Fingernail Friday

Fingernail art
Fingernail art

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Not so much knitting as....

seaming! and seaming and never seems to end! But I have gotten thus far:

Project Ossim

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Landon Bay

Checked out the Landon Bay hiking trails. These trails were a bit more 'rustic'. In other words, they were more what I would picture as a hiking trail. Ups and downs, rocks to go around and over etc. The trailhead was marked nicely:
Landon Bay
A pic of the trail:
Landon Bay
See? Rocks and trees and stuff! The trail lead to a nice view of the bay:
Landon Bay
and a little bridge along the edge of the bay:
Landon Bay

All in all, a very nice place to take a hike!

Sunday, July 03, 2011

KP Trail

Went hiking out on the KP Trail. It is an old railway right of way that has been rehabbed into a hiking/biking/horseback riding trail.
kptrail 003
There were a multitude of deerflies, so bring your bugspray! It goes through farmland so the view is pretty much what you would expect.
kptrail 002
Aaaaaand then I got home and saw this in my backyard:
Hiking in the wilderness indeed! Apparently my backyard was more wild than the trail!